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Lederhose (leather breeches): commonly referred to in English only in the plural (Lederhosen – LAY-der-hose-‘n), these traditional pants are worn either short above the knee, at the knee, or tied below the knee (Bundhosen); the very best and most traditional are made from deerskin, but many other types of leather and even fabric are also used. The Hosenträger (suspenders – optional if wearing a belt) usually have an embroidered pattern on the H-shaped breast plate, and are crossed in the back.
Hemd (shirt): either short-sleeved or long-sleeved (worn rolled-up and buttoned to the upper sleeve), Trachten-shirts can be checkered, striped, plaid or white. Decorative flair options include leather straps, coins, embroidery and bone buttons. No ties! Men’s outfits may also include vests and jackets.
Schuhe (shoes): hiking boots are shown here as one option, but leather Alpine Haferlschuhe, typically with side-laces, a low-cut upper and spiked rubber soles, are the most traditional footwear worn with men’s outfits.
Loferl (calf stockings): usually paired with ankle socks, Loferl should only be worn with the above-the-knee Lederhosen variety; the longer knee-length and below-the-knee Bundhosen should be worn with knee-length socks (seen here).