407.321.2204 x 1
407.321.2204 x2002

Enjoy the rare experience of trying on a traditional German Dirndl or set of Lederhosen in person and having it personally sized to your figure. Perfect for Oktoberfest, Fasching, Christmas, and (of course) any night you have dinner at Hollerbach’s!
(Update: wear your Dirndl or Lederhosen to the Hollerbach's German Restaurant

Christina and Linda Hollerbach originally founded the Art Haus as a gallery and creative studio, where guests could create and collect original art. Due to increasing enthusiasm for German culture and a desire to provide additional gemutlichkeit to the wonderful guests of our other family businesses in Downtown Sanford (Hollerbach’s German Restaurant and the Hollerbach's German Market), we now offer imported and custom German clothing and accessories!
Now called Hollerbach's Outfitters.